Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Even when it's -33!

Being outside in the sixth hour is straight frightening when you live in the midwest and there are severe winter storms in process. After having my car start, and getting to work, I could not believe how seemingly ridiculous the weather was. When asked on my way in by one of my employees how I was doing, I thoughtfully responded, "Thankful for everything but this weather..." 
Often times when I sit down at my desk to begin the daily morning paperwork, I'll check out a website (such as a pastor's blog, etc) to get my mind thinking clearly and as it should. In the midst of my dismay with the January freeze-up, I landed on desiringgod.org, and on the front page was a picture of a girl walking through the snow with Lamentations 3:22-23 written over it. 

"The steadfast love of The Lord never ceases. 
His mercies never come to an end.
They are new every morning." 

Even when it's -33. 

Amazing Truth, refreshing perspective.