Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dang it feels good to be a gangsta... I mean... to be in youth ministry!

Last night was just a terrific night of ministry! I have been slowly grounding myself into the beast of a youth ministry known as One for a few months, and just recognized a sort of break through last night. Between some ultimate (frisbee) with the boys, pizza hangout, an exciting meeting with the overall youth pastor, making a newcomer feel welcome, and praying with a student during worship... it was great! For the first time really since last August, I felt like I was actually doing youth ministry. It has been my continual prayer that rather than getting sucked into the workforce, that I would stick to the plan and only remain there for a short time to help take care of some Moody debt, before moving into full time youth ministry. Although I really like my job, I know that I am called to and built for much more greater things... 

It was just good to take some official strides and receive confirmation about my involvement w/ One, and to see God establishing relationships and for me to be acquiring a sense of community!

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